Baby Bjorn Mini – Baby-wearing moments

Anyone else considering baby-wearing? It’s something I couldn’t get the hang of with my first and I always regretted it. But it’s hard to find a baby carrier suitable for newborns isn’t it? So when I was gifted the Baby Bjorn Mini to try and realised it was suitable for newborns weighing 7lb and up, I was so excited to try it and took baby Rudy out for his first carried walk at just over a week old.
Check out the short video to see the Baby Bjorn Mini in action and here’s what I’m thinking so far…
Baby Bjorn Mini – my thoughts
Obviously baby Rudy is only 2.5 weeks old, so we’ve not had lots of time to use the Baby Bjorn Mini yet, BUT I’ve been giving it a go inside and outside the house and so far, so good. Really good!
The issue I had with our first, was trying slings and not being able to coordinate holding baby and wrapping it myself. I’d then find the positioning tricky and being big-boobed, I felt baby’s face was always suffocating in my chest. My back would hurt and both baby and me would get really stressed during the whole process.
In fact, my hubby was more successful at baby-wearing Flo, but we didn’t really manage it until she was about 6 months old and we used the regular Baby Bjorn. I felt I really missed-out and there were times when taking the pram was tricky and it would’ve been easier to just wear her, but it never really happened.
So putting the Baby Bjorn Mini on was surprisingly straight-forward! I could slip it on like I would a jacket, adjust it so it was on the right part of my back (just under the shoulder-blades) and then clip on easily at the front on one side, so the carrier part was ready to just slip baby into and then all I had to do was clip the other side on at the front. Simple.
How does the Baby Bjorn Mini feel on?
Baby Rudy was a bit unsure at first, but quickly got into position, head to the side against my chest and as I started to walk around, he settled quickly. My back felt really supported but the Baby Bjorn Mini didn’t feel bulky or uncomfortable. It slipped-on easily over my top and the soft 100% cotton jersey material is lovely for both me and him. It’s super soft and the seat part of the carrier is really rounded and means his legs are comfortable and in the right position. Plus, our Baby Bjorn Mini is a a lovely (and on-trend) grey and therefore unisex and goes with everything (I know it’s not a fashion show, but it helps to coordinate doesn’t it?).
Walking along wearing the Baby Bjorn Mini, at first, I wasn’t quite sure where to put my hands. With a pram, you obviously always have your hands on it, but whilst baby-wearing, you suddenly have both hands free! I rested my hands on the carrier, on his back as this felt natural and I could rub his back for reassurance. But as he relaxed, so did I and I even put my hands in my pockets at one point…super chilled mama! I realised that a whole new world was opening up to me, the world of being able to use your hands whilst carrying your baby! Wowza!
Practical uses of baby-wearing
So where will I go from here?
There’s no denying that it’s still nice to pop out with the pram, particularly when going out for lunch or somewhere where you know they’ll sleep in the bassinet. But, there’s so many times when I need to just pop out to the shops quickly, or head somewhere with the toddler (where I need to be able to hold her hand), or even attend a blogging or work event. It’s times like these where I know baby-wearing will really make life a lot easier and this is what I intend to do. So I think it’s just practice makes perfect and giving it a go, so I gain the confidence in wearing him in my Baby Bjorn Mini.
Also, at the moment, Rudy is preferring it when I hold him and he’s wanting to fall asleep on me and is not as contented sitting in his rocker or lying in his moses basket (I’m hoping this is just a phase!). So even just pottering round the house and getting bits done can be tricky, so I think I’ll be wearing him indoors too, in those moments where I need to get bits done and he wants to be held.
Have you considered baby-wearing? Do you have any tips?