Flourish With Holly – What You Can Expect

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments4 min read1.1K views

I’m beyond excited that this blog is back baby! If you missed why, including why the name-change, then you can catch-up here. I’m feeling so aligned and in flow and can’t wait to get writing and creating again! But before I fully get into the swing of things, I thought I should probably let you know what you can expect from Flourish With Holly…

What You Can Expect from Flourish With Holly

I’m telling you now, I can’t niche! Some people can, but despite trying again and again, niche-ing ain’t for me! Some people can write and create around one single topic, and I really admire that. But I’m totally inspired by lots of things and I’ve always loved sharing all those things with you. So everything you’ll find in this blog, is still wrapped-up under the topic of Lifestyle. And here’s how it’ll break down…

flourish with holly wood lipstick in mirror

Travel with Holly

A huge part of my life and the way I’ve built my business, is travel. I love exploring new places, discovering new cultures and getting away from the thick of it at home. I’m fortunate to have family in Tuscany, Italy, so get to spend a lot of time there (including most of our summers). Also, being located in the UK, means that Europe and all it’s splendour is on our doorstep. I’ve also travelled further afield to the US, Canada and Australia and a few places in between.

I want to travel more and I will. And now the kids are a bit older, it also means I can take solo travel trips, like my work trips to LA.

AND… there’s nowhere more beautiful than the UK (particularly on a sunny day), so we enjoy plenty of staycations too! Sometimes as a family, sometimes as a couple (as I believe it’s important to get that time away just the two of you if and when you can).

flourish with holly travel photo florence

Food with Holly

Sitting alongside my love for travel, is my love for food (and drink)! The two things are entirely intertwined for me (we’re the sort of people that plan our day-trips and holidays around where we’re gonna eat!).

This blog started-out with me discovering our new home-town of Manchester and a big part of that was me eating-out and telling you all about it! That’s not changed. I still love to discover new places in my local community and city, as well as further afield and when I travel.

You may also find the occasional recipe that I love and feel you’d love too!

flourish with holly food drinking pornstar martini

Lifestyle with Holly

The whole blog is about lifestyle but this section on the blog will be focussed on our house (including interiors), home-life, parenting and my personal style (ie fashion, beauty, self-care rituals).

Essentially anything that doesn’t neatly fit into the other categories (I told you I can’t niche!).

I’m currently a thirty-something millennial and there is A LOT that comes with that. So this blog is about navigating this chapter of my life in all its glory.

flourish with holly lifestyle style lilac suit in Beverly Hills, LA

Psychology with Holly

This is where things might get a bit different from your “average” blog… I studied Psychology and am a Certified Positive Psychology Coach – so this is infused into everything I do… work and life!

Essentially, psychology for me, is about self-awareness. The more self-aware you are, the more control you have over your happiness. And Positive Psychology gives you so many incredible tools to build this self-awareness in a really approachable way. And the ripple effect is immense!

Positive Psychology has enabled me to truly flourish – and I believe that when you Flourish First®️, everything else unfolds! So here in this blog, I’ll be sharing my personal development and well-being journey, as well as sharing tools and tips that’ll help you bring more Positive Psychology into your life.

Disclaimer: I’m a borderline cynic with a healthy dose of woo-woo! The majority of what I’ll talk about here is grounded in science, but I’m always open to a bit of woo too! The perfect combo!

flourish with holly spiritual card deck

Business with Holly

Where I used to think I had to separate the “business me” with the “lifestyle me” – I’ve realised that I absolutely don’t. There is one me and these two elements make up the whole. So although this isn’t my official Flourish Mentor business website, I will give you insights into life as a small (and growing) business owner.

I’ll talk about behind-the-scenes of growing a business, my diary of a CEO and anything that I feel drawn to share with you.

After navigating uni and the usual 9-to-5 style working patterns, 9 years ago I broke that pattern and decided to work for myself. This was a monumental moment and since then, I’ve been figuring it all out and discovering how to build a business that allows me the freedom and flexibility that I want from life.

flourish with holly business writing journal in LA

So there we have it – exactly what you can expect from my blog Flourish With Holly (formerly HollyGoesLightly). Because I’m on a mission to discover life, my self and to reach my vision of success. And I want the same for you.

I hope you stick around.

Holly signature